Do Ride - Welcome

To all those who Do Ride - Welcome to my Blog! Many of my students asked me to design a blog so that they could follow me on my travels and adventures. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Rules for Riding in Bathing Suits.

Something about today was just wonderful.  Started off right - I woke up before my alarm went off, fed the horses, and went for a run.  I ran one lap further than I was planning and still feel pretty good now (we'll see how I feel tomorrow).  After that I enjoyed my breakfast and did some racket work on Ozzie.  It was much warmer today and I got to get a bit of sun while riding.  Yes, I did wear sunscreen :)  Any way, racket work went well and I really am starting to fall for my new racket... totally different than my last one, but I think it could still be love ;) 

Ozzie was a charmer and is a lovely horse to do racket work on - just easy.  Next was Dick, who I will further refer to as Richard, because I feel like his name makes this blog go from G to PG13...  Any way, Richard is not quite as pleasant to exercise. He was a bit of a... well, let's just say he is appropriately named.  Once he warmed up we started to get some nice trot work with him working on the bit and bending. He loves to bend right, but left leaves much to be desired.  I can't wait to get the chance to play him, as I'm sure he can't wait to get the chance to play.  Then it will give him a break from exercise, which is basically dressage work on hills disquised by the term conditioning.  It is obvious that Richard is an athlete and I am quite sure he is a machine on the polocrosse field.  I will know for sure in a few weeks. 

Next, I rode the two young horses that just returned from the trainer's.  The big bay mare is so handsome, but her canter is wonky...maybe she will grow into herself soon.  The little black gelding is sweet and super light and smooth.  He is going to be a lovely ride as his training continues.  Both were good and I was able to take them for a short ride down the Butt Kicker and into a flat paddock where I worked on circles and steering.  Both were so cute walking up the Butt Kicker - they kept trying to turn around and go back down!  I was like, I know guys, I totally empathize with you - one foot infront of the other, the top will come soon enough. 

After a bit of down time and lunch, where I got to finish the movie Bourne Ultimatum (can't wait to see Bourne Supremacy), I got to do more racket work - YAY!  So tonight, two old polocrosse blokes (guys) came out to help Jesse and I with a few things.  It was a blast and I learned a few new tricks that I can't wait to bring back and show my polocrosse friends and students.  Most of them were legal ;)  Dash was awesome.  She is certainly going to be a big powerhouse this weekend.  I'm am seriously excited about playing her.  She accelerates sooo quickly and has a pretty good stop, but she can get strong.  It will be a work out, but I'm thinking it's going to be a good weekend :) 

We came up with some good saying that should help my game... "Sit on your ass and let them pass" (sorry for the profanity - but that is what they said!).  So, once I get the ball, I can sit and relax a bit - let everyone just fly by.  No need to run crazy with them.  Another saying: "When they're rollin', you're strollin'" - Meaning when everyone else is running like crazy, I can relax and just take my time once I have the ball.  Just thought those were cute :)

So, to top it all off, Gray's Anatomy was on tonight!!!!!!!  Yes, they are about half a season behind us, but still, I love that show and it was great to watch it.  Derek and Gray are so cute - just love it. 

Now, I'm off to bed and regretting the earlier idea of riding horses in a bathing suit top.  The sun got a bit mean on my lower back.  Will need more sunscreen tomorrow.  While riding today, I got to thinking, there should be a check list people go through when planning to ride with minimal clothing.  It might read something like this:

Checklist for riding in a bathing suit:
1. Be aware of surroundings
2. Plan a route with minimal public traffic
3. Stay away from constuction sites
4. Stay away from schools (especially during recess)
5. Ride a comfortable, smooth, settled horse.

So, besides #1 and part of #2, I did not check much off the checklist.  I was definitely aware of my surroundings and picked a place to ride that I thought would keep me away from the public.  If I rode in the bush, all the helicopter guys would've been there - bad plan.  So I decided to ride in the side paddock.  I thought, well it is by a road, but there are lots of trees - I'll be fine.  As Richard and I were sorting out our differences trotting down a hill I hear "beep, beep, beep"  Oh yes, the sound of construction workers... there they are working away on a site adjacent to the property I'm riding on - awesome.  If that wasn't good enough, a school yard full of children see me riding and start pointing.  Now, I'm riding half naked (well I had on my bikini top, but still) infront of construction workers and children on Richard who is quite full of himself at the time.  It wasn't pretty.  Regardless, I survived and moved my ride to a more sheltered area of the paddock and the children and construction guys went back to work.  Looking back on it now, it is worth a chuckle, at the time... not so much.  I will certainly be using that list for future reference. 

Trailer is mostly packed.  Need to put a few more things in tomorrow.  Then off to Ballarat!! :)

All for now.  Ta.



  1. Love it! Not sure I'll ever need your 'rules for riding in a bathing suit', but it was good for a smile this morning!

    Keep up the blogging Dori, I love it!

  2. Heehee, I don't think we'll need those rules for a while either! How fun though!!!! I think you need to add "wear, pack extra, and re-apply sunscreen FREQUENTLY" to your list.... but otherwise it seems to cover all the basics. :) You should post more pictures of the ponies!!!!! SO CUTE!!! Anyway, we miss you and love this blog!!!!!!!!! Have a good tournament!!!
